2022 is coming to an end, and I wanted to say thanks for all the fun stuff being posted and talked about here this year.
I'm opening up donations again, to help keep the site going into 2023. Last time, we got a handful of folks donating, which topped us off to the end of the year.
But, we're running low, now, and I'd like to ask you all to consider making a donation. Just use the Paypal button on the main page to send one in.
As always, I understand that money is tight for everyone, so if you can't, that's completely fine. However, if you can, and you appreciate the site and the work I do to keep it running, then your support will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, everyone!
I'm opening up donations again, to help keep the site going into 2023. Last time, we got a handful of folks donating, which topped us off to the end of the year.
But, we're running low, now, and I'd like to ask you all to consider making a donation. Just use the Paypal button on the main page to send one in.
As always, I understand that money is tight for everyone, so if you can't, that's completely fine. However, if you can, and you appreciate the site and the work I do to keep it running, then your support will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, everyone!